COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Dear Calverton Family and Visitors,
In adherence to the CDC and local government health protocols in Montgomery County we continue to support the recommended guidelines by continuing to take the following immediate precautions:
Services will be online {See the Service Videos page}
Awana will be cancelled (matching the school systems closure)
Prayer meeting Wednesdays @7:15 will be online
Please be aware of the most vulnerable populace in our family (60+, pre-existing health conditions, weakened immune system) and check to make sure they are ok. Regarding offerings, please remember that offerings should be mailed to the church and in some cases can be mailed electronically through your bank to:
Calverton Baptist Church
12625 Galway Drive
Silver Spring MD, 20904-1728
We are praying for those who may be affected by the virus and for God’s protection over us all. Please join us in this prayer as well as taking practical measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. Along with these actions there are some simple measures you can take to protect yourself and help us reduce the spread of Coronavirus in our community.
At church:
· Limit the use of hugging or shaking hands (polite smiles and nods, fist and elbow bumps are perfectly fine).
· We encourage members and guests to bring their own hand sanitizers.
· Wash your hands often, particularly after using the restroom.
If you feel sick or are caring for someone who is sick:
· Stay home unless you are seeking medical treatment.
· Limit your participation in community activities.
· Dispose of used tissues right away.
In general:
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and others with unwashed hands.
· Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as often as you can. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
· If you are not near a sink, use hand sanitizer. Sanitize all of the skin on your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Refrain from shaking your hands to dry them.
· Engage in respiratory etiquette by coughing and sneezing into the bend of your elbow.
· Sanitize freshly touched surfaces in your home, school or office daily.
· Avoid coming in close contact with those who appear unwell.

Additional information can be found at: